All tagged architecture

Discovering the treasures of Troyes

Troyes (pronounce trwa), has Gothic churches and museums galore, the greatest collection of half-timbered houses in the country, more than its fair share of world-class stained-glass, a dynamic, well-maintained and agreeable city centre, the largest factory outlet in Europe, and three huge lakes within less than an hour’s drive which offer everything a seaside resort would with the added advantage of millions of birds who stop here for a bit of rest and recuperation on their migration routes.

The National Museum of Qatar is definitely worth a visit

The desert rose is not just a flower. It’s also a cluster of gypsum crystal arranged like rose petals, which form when water infiltrates the rock and then evaporates. These “petals” inspired architect Jean Nouvel for his design of the National Museum of Qatar, an architectural feat which, I have no doubt, will over time become as iconic a building as is the Sydney Opera House.