All tagged Spain

Toledo deserves a week

Exasperated inhabitants of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Prague and Venice have been very vocal recently about the damages caused by mass tourism. But they are not the only city dwellers suffering: young Spaniards from Toledo, a city that has nestled in a meander of the Taje 70 km west of Madrid for nearly 2,000 years, are fleeing the old town because, they say, “it’s just become an open-air museum.”

The omnipresence of Catalan

My only experience of Catalonia thus far was Barcelona, where public signage is in both Catalan and Spanish and you hear more Spanish than Catalan spoken. But we're staying 60 kms north of Barcelona in the village of Sant Pol de Mar for the next 10 days and the Catalan language here is not only omnipresent but frequently unaccompanied by any Spanish translation…